Sunday, May 24, 2009

Real Internet Money and 5 Steps to Finding it

There has probably never been a better time for most of us to earn some real internet money. The economic conditions are forcing many smaller enterprises, and those reliant upon finance, out of business. Many others are facing uncertainty over their jobs and even for those who have secure employment are finding the ever rising cost of living a burden.
So perhaps it is not surprising that more and more people are seeking ways to make extra money. Not only that but with higher average stress levels, as peoples financial worries increase, many are considering the possibility of looking for a better way of life entirely. Certainly if you are able to successfully master the techniques needed to earn some real internet money then you could be looking at a substantial increase in both your earnings and your well being. For many the internet offers an unprecedented opportunity to escape the rat race and live the life they've always dreamed of.
However for every successful online entrepreneur there are a hundred more that fail and give up, disillusioned with the experience. Nonetheless there can be no doubt that many are making a fantastic living online. So what's the difference between those who never make the grade and those who find the real internet money.
Here we consider the 5 steps you can take to give yourself every chance of making it.
1. Find a path: - One of the biggest causes of people failing to make any real internet money is that they don't have a coherent plan they can stick to and see through to the end. Worse still many continually swap from one strategy to the next. Generally these people are looking for a quick way to earn some real internet money. This means they are likely to buy a 'get rich quick' scheme or method that promises to make you an instant success. As soon as it becomes clear that they are not going to be millionaires by the end of the month they are tempted to abandon there approach and move on to the next product. This is the recipe for failure.
You need to understand that, whilst you really don't need to be a brain surgeon to be successful at earning some real internet money you do need to put in some time and effort. You have to put in the work and some of it can seem quite repetitive and dull, pretty much like any other job. However get it right and the rewards will be well worth it.
There are many ways to earn some real internet money ranging from affiliate marketing and selling on auction sites to web designing, joint ventures and your own product development to name but a few. I order to find the best way for yourself you need to do a little soul searching. You need to research the different approaches and choose the one that best lends itself to your skills and knowledge. There will be plenty of time in the future to acquire new skills but in the initial stages you need to build upon your existing ones. Do your research, read the reviews and check out what people are saying worked for them on forums such as the 'Warrior forum.'
No matter which method you choose you absolutely must stick to it and see it through to the end. There will be obstacles and set back and you will not always get the results you want straight away. Friends and family will probably tell you you're wasting your time and will never earn any real internet money. But if you stick with it they will have to eat their words eventually because you'll be working 4 hours a day for a 6 figure income while they are still doing 9 to 5.
2. Find someone you can rely on : - There is a massive number of people offering advice about how to achieve success online. It is a sad truth that most are simply rehashing information that anybody with time to do a little research can soon find for free. However, if you do some research on the search engines, forums, social networking and bookmarking sites you will soon find someone who really has something special to offer.
The word 'guru' is, I feel, overused and inappropriate but I strongly advise that you find someone with a proven track record of making some real internet money and follow their advice. Most of the better marketing experts offer some excellent training programs and online courses that will guide you along your path. The best plan is to find one or two experts and follow their advice. You could do all your own research and testing but things will be so much easier if you've got some professional advice.
You may be wondering why I say marketing expert. The reason is that no matter what model you use to make some real internet money marketing will be absolutely central to your success. You could have the best product in the world but if nobody realises it or knows it exists you wont make any money with it online.
Again when you are looking for some expert advice you should research widely. If you think you've found the right person to guide you then, before you sign up, go to the marketing forums and ask others what they think.
3. Do as you're told: - I'm not being rude here I am trying to give you some heartfelt advice. If you have settled upon a basic plan, for arguments sake we'll say you're going to start a Google Adwords campaign, have found someone with a proven track record of Adword success and are ready to embark upon your road to some real internet money then it's totally pointless if you then skip parts of your plan or shift your focus elsewhere. I'm not saying that you shouldn't use your own style and skills (far from it in fact, if you are going to be successful then having your own approach will be vital) but you do need to follow advice initially (especially if you've paid for it).
For example if your marketing course advises that you submit 10 articles linked to your landing page to each of 10 listed article directories then do exactly that. The people advising you will have made some real internet money using specific strategies and techniques. It goes without saying that you should do the same. Don't be tempted to think 5 will do if they say you should submit10. Somethings may seem a little repetitive but there is invariably a method in the madness.
4. Learn from your mistakes : - One of the biggest differences between those that fail and those that succeed at making some real internet money is that the successful learn from their mistakes. Not every thing will go according to plan, some things will work better than others. Whether that's because your stronger at some things than others or if its because you've misjudged or even if it's just dumb luck the best always analyse their mistakes to fine tune their method so that it's even more effective next time.
A very useful thing to do is to have a monitoring and evaluation plan. Basically at a regular interval, though not to frequently, say once every two weeks or so you should put some time aside to look at everything you've done over the last two weeks. Then ask yourself of any particular piece of work “did it move me closer to my goal of earning some real internet money?” If the answer is yes then build on that success. If it's no ask yourself if there's anything you could do to improve the technique or put it aside so that you don't wast anymore time on it.
In this way even your failures will make you stronger, richer, happier.
5. Don't give up : - This is without doubt the single most important piece of advice to remember. It's better to accept now that things will take a little time, there's a quite a lot to learn, you'll have your ups and downs and many around you will doubt you. But if you stick to your carefully researched plan, listen to the advice of proven achievers, act upon it and learn from your mistakes you will succeed.
One thing is certain. If you give up you will definitely fail to achieve your dreams. So stick at it because there really is a great living to be had online and your persistence is the key to finding the real internet money.

By : Ian Davis

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