Thursday, June 4, 2009

How Do You Re-Sell Clickbank Products Without A Website?

One of the common misconceptions made by those thinking about entering the world of affiliate marketing is that in order to do so you need to have a website. This is not true at all and this article will explain how.

“How do you promote Clickbank products without a website” is probably the most frequently asked question on all of the affiliate marketing websites newbie forums.

It’s certainly the easiest way to do things, all you need is an affiliate (hop) link and a pay per click campaign sending visitors to it. Sounds simple enough, it is, but if you’re not careful of what you are doing, especially with the pay per click, you could end up costing yourself a small fortune.

So here’s a way to move forward, taking one small step at a time.

First you need to get yourself a ClickBank reseller account. In the sign up process you will receive your unique ‘hoplink’ identifier which you will include on all links you have to the sales pages you are promoting.

The next thing to do is to choose a product to promote. Check out any clickbank directory and have a browse through the categories and offerings. There are tens of thousands of them and the number is growing rapidly.

There are few factors you need to find a balance on when making your final choice but the following are the main two.

The amount you get per sale is an obvious one. If your cut is in the region of $20 to $40 per sale then you are about right. Some would argue that smaller amounts bring more sales and others would argue that the high cost items pay more in the long run. Most lie somewhere in the middle.

The next thing to look at is the gravity. The exact algorithm which calculates Clickbank gravity is a secret, but it is understood by the most to be sales or ‘conversions’ per visit together with its popularity among the affiliates.

The higher the gravity the more sales the product is getting, but so too are the number of your competitors selling it. Aim for products with a gravity of between 100 and 150 to start.

Once you have decided on your product you will need to get your hoplink to it. You can do that in Clickbank. There’s a simple structure to the URL of the product pages which includes your hoplink and the vendor code. It’s simple to do so make sure you get it right.

Also it’s important to learn how the tracking component works. You will need to track which of the keywords you will be using are making sales.

Next you need to drive traffic to your hoplink. The only sure fire way of doing this is using pay per click advertising. All other kinds are slow to pick up or too hit and miss, especially if you don’t know what converts yet.

Google Adwords, Yahoo Search Marketing and Microsoft Ad Network are the only three pay per click networks to use. Yahoo offers payment through Paypal so this can be quite useful to some.

Open your pay per click account (get one if you don’t have one) and create a campaign for the new product.

When creating the ads take a look at the product sales page and use the words used by the writer of the sales letter, especially in the headline grabber, page title and opening paragraph. By matching the words in your ads to those on the sales page will position you for a good quality index, leading to cheaper prospect clicks.

Don’t use the automatic text replacement functions for your ads as these will also adversely effect your quality score. The pay per click providers make life difficult for affiliate linkers so make yours match the sales letter as much as possible. You can experiment later when your quality scores are already high.

Obviously, use your hoplink as the destination URL.

Next get as many keywords as you can. The best place for this is the Adwords keyword tool. Once you have got a good list of keywords, delete any which are not relevant, you’ll save yourself paying for wasted clicks.

Load the keywords into your campaign and set them all to ‘exact phrase’ for Google, or ‘standard’ for Yahoo. Turn off the Content Network and make your bids low, say no more than 25 cents a click. Turn off ‘ad optimization’ as you will split test your ads yourself.

When the Campaign is on see how many of your keywords are active and adjust your bid price accordingly. Keep an eye on the campaign for the first few hours to make sure it’s not running away with itself. Once you’ve had two or three days of clicks take a look at keyword impressions, clicks and conversions, removing non performers.

By now you also should have received quality scores for your ads. You’ll need a minimum of three out of five bars, the more the better, but you should try to get it to five out of five by improving the number of clicks your ads are getting.

Do this by trialing two or three different ads. When you have a reasonable number of impressions/clicks see which were getting the best response. Remove the laggards and experiment with the winners.

Once your ad rates and expenditure have settled, tweak your campaign by increasing bids on keywords that are working and decreasing on others. If your quality scores are good then you will see your click costs remain low as you bid for higher spots.

By : Nigel Thomas

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