Thursday, July 30, 2009

High Paying Affiliate Programs

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"CJ & Clickbank gives good commissions but they are not easy to promote and generate some sales after joining. We need to write more articles, forums and we have to advertise their products in order to generate some sales. I have tried them very well but failed to generate any sale!"


Then i have searched many affiliate programs and sorted them to earn good ny promoting free offers and i rock. I am earning more than $1000 per month with these free offers. is helpful for those who are seeking high paying affiliate programs to earn some extra money with their websites or blogs. Sort every program by categories and just paste banners and text links on you websites and blogs and get quality and intersted traffic to generate lead. Lead based programs are more easy to earn with your website traffic and they are compatible with your Google Adsense unit. This way you can generate more money with your Adsense account and Affiliate programs. Many online gurus are following this trick to boost their earnings. They are generating good money at Adsense by purchasing cheap traffic with miva and bidvertiser and promoting their affiliate lead based campaigns with Adsense. They are generating many leads per day and more money with Adsense. You can do so by joining high paying affiliate programs and promote them with Google Adwords to reach targeted visitors. I am listed many secrets to work with Google Adwords where you can learn How to receive free google adwords coupon legal way. Google often offers many schemes to their advertiser to advertise their business on Adwords, You can retrive those free coupon code to promote your affiliate business.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Free Flash downloads

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1greenmorh227(flash intro)
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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Monthly Adsense Earnings Case Study Can Be Yours - Part 2

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HyberVRE Adsense Earning Case Study(Video)

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Sunday, July 19, 2009

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HyperVRE Step 7 – Contextual Ad setting
I prefer to leave these options as it is by default. I’ve never tested if changing these options
works better than others, so I just tend to keep this feature set to the default. However, if I
wanted to change the layout and display settings of my contextual ads, I could tinker around
with this step.
HyperVRE Step 8 – GenerateWebpages
This is the last step in creating my site. I just select the folder where I want to save my web pages,
and then Save the HyperVRE project and generate the website.
Let’s take a peak at the work HyperVRE has done for me with this Ringtones example site. Below
is a screenshot of the files that make up our Ringtones site

Once my site is created, I always change the paths of my image files to the absolute path of my
website. Doing it manually can be a very cumbersome process, so I use a bulk text replacement tool for this, like TextPad or Dreamweaver.

In this example, I would change that path to:
That way, I only have to upload the /images/ folder to my main directory on my domain, rather
than having to keep a relative path and then having to upload the /images/ folder to each and
every sub-directory too.

An even better and less time-consuming way to do this is to simply edit each of the
image paths on the 2 template files (homepage and keyword page templates) to
the absolute path of those images BEFORE you import them into HyperVRE. Since
you know the URL of what your domain will be, instead of having a relative path
like../images/image01.jpg for an image, you can just enter the absolute path of the
image – such as

Once I’m ready with my website, I upload it to my domain using SmartFTP…Then, it’s time to get
traffic to the site!
Here’s what the homepage of the Ringtones example site looked like when I was finished…

Monthly Adsense Earnings Case Study Can Be Yours Part 2#links

HyberVRE- Adsense Monthly Earning Video

HyperVREStep 7 contextual ad setting

HyperVRE Step 6 Affiliate Product selection

HyperVRE the rest step

HyperVRE Step 4 –Web Page Content

HyperVRE Step 3 – Template Selection

HyperVRE Step 2 – Using HyperVRE

HyperVRE The Site-Building Process: Step 1




HyperVRE Step 6 – Affiliate Product selection

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I like this step. Very creative. :-)
Since I have an affiliate account with Amazon,Clickbank and Paydotcom, I can let HyperVRE
select relevant products for my niches and add them to my site. Since I’m a Gold member of
HyperVRE, if I use this feature,my site will automatically contain my affiliate links to these
So when a visitor clicks on any link that they’re interested in, they will be taken to the Amazon,
Clickbank or Paydotcom product webpage (which ever site that product belongs to). And on a
successful sale of that product, I will be paid.
This is a very good way to generate a secondary source of income from my sites, other than
This is also a step that I will never skip. In this “ringtones”example, I’ll do a quick search for my
keyword and then select the products that have the highest payouts or that look profitable.

HyperVRE the rest step

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HyperVRE Step 4 – Article Search feature
Here, I do searches for various keywords that are related to my keyword topics. I can set the
keyword density here and do as many article searches that I’d like to.
Once the articles are found and filtered by my settings, they’re added to the next step where I
can (if I’d like to) match the articles to specific keywords.
HyperVRE Step 5 – Article and KeywordMatching
This step is optional, but it’s a great way to make sure that your content is related to each
keyword webpage. I like to make sure that the article is specifically targeted to the keyword that
will be optimized on that particular webpage. So here, I quickly match up the articles that were
just gathered for me with the keywords that I added earlier on step #1. If I don’t like the look of
one of the articles, I’ll delete it here too.
HyperVRE Step 6 - Other Customization
HyperVRE Step 7 – Pay Per Click Publishing
These are both optional steps, and I don’t use these much, so I’ll just skip the details here.
Instead of using Step #5 in HyperVRE and adding the AdSense code that way, I just add the
AdSense ad code directly tomy template before I start to use HyperVRE.

HyperVRE Step 3 –Web Page Content

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These are the steps where I define what content I want on my site. I usually just leave the
number of keywords per group at the default setting, as I’ve seen that this linking structure is
pre-defined as being good for both search engine optimization and making the site visitorfriendly.
Then, I always use the rotating definitions, rss feeds, and random descriptions
feature. This helps keep my sites fresh for the search engines.

I then leave“the % of articles before and after the rss feed” as default. This separates my article
content into two sections so that 50% of the article is above the rss feed, and the remaining
portion of the article is below the rss feed.
With the“Instant AdSense Template”package that I purchased from Joel Comm,I was given
several prewritten articles that I could use, so for those sites, I’ll import the articles manually on
this step.
The article import feature is nice in HyperVRE because I can select all of those articles and click
“import”. They have to be pre-formatted correctly for HyperVRE, but with Joel’s package, they
were already formatted for me.
Although I would love to write my own content for each and every site, I simply can’t. Because
many of the profitable niches are boring (in my opinion), and I don’t know anything about the
niche, I don’t spend all of my time trying to write articles for them.

Also, given the number of sites I make, it is practically impossible for me to write articles on all of
them. So I rely on HyperVRE, purchased PLR articles, or the articles that came with the Instant
AdSense Templates package for my content.
After this,I let HyperVRE find RSS feeds for me. I NEVER skip this step.
Adding RSS feeds to my site will make it very dynamic.And since I tend to create the sites and let
them sit for a while, this dynamic feature helps ensure that I will always have fresh content.
I’m also given the option to manually add definitions and rss feeds, but like I said before… I’m a
lazy person by nature, so I allow HyperVRE to automatically gather those for me.

the best thing to do is to write your own articles or
having someone write them for you. This ensures that they are 100% unique and
of good quality, targeted directly to the keyword that you’re optimizing your
webpage for –thus, targeted AdSense ads will appear on your site. However, it’s not
always possible to do this, given the number of websites that you will be creating.
So that’s why my second recommendation is to use PLR articles, and then either
manually edit them or run them through a content spinner so that the articles are
even more unique. Then, once you’ve got your unique articles for your site, you can bulk import them using HyperVRE.

HyperVRE Step 2 – Template Selection

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HyperVRE Step 2 – Template Selection
Now that I’ve built my keyword list and entered it into HyperVRE, I then select my homepage and
keyword templates. The example template shown above is an example of a homepage template.
The keyword page template is VERY similar, but just has some different HyperVRE variables on it,
so that the proper content will be added to the pages that I want.
For example, I usually only put the article content variable on the keyword page template, rather
than putting an article content variable on the homepage template.

Once I’ve selected the templates, if I have a css style sheet for my templates, I’ll use that on this
step too. Then I decide whether I want my pages to have a .php or .htm extension.
When I first started creating AdSense sites with HyperVRE, I wasn’t sure which was better. But
now I always use PHP so that I can put rotating definitions, rotating random descriptions, and
rss feeds on the sites. This is very important, as I’ll describe later.

The Site-Building Process: Step 1 – Using HyperVRE

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By following my methods above, I found that the topic “Ringtones” is potentially profitable, and
I’ve already gathered a list of keywords for that. In addition to that, I already have my template
and header image made for this site… It looks very similar to the example“Acting” template
Now it’s on to using HyperVRE Gold.

HyperVRE Step 1 – Keyword Selection
This is where I first select my main keyword. For this example, I am building a site on Ringtones,
so my main keyword will be“ringtones”

If I don’t already have a list of profitable keywords for that particular niche, I’ll just use HyperVRE’s
default keyword generator. However, like I said before, most of the niches I use have been
researched and I’ve already got a list of profitable keywords to use here. So since I already have a
list of keywords, I’ll just import them with the ‘import’ feature in HyperVRE.
Typically, I’ll only insert about 20-25 profitable keywords so that my sites are of good quality content, and will contain about 20-25 web pages.

HyperVREStep 7 contextual ad setting

HyperVRE Step 6 Affiliate Product selection

HyperVRE the rest step

HyperVRE Step 4 –Web Page Content

HyperVRE Step 3 – Template Selection

HyperVRE Step 2 – Using HyperVRE

HyperVRE The Site-Building Process: Step 1

HyperVRE The Site-Building Process: Step 1

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Before I start buildingmy sites using HyperVRE, I do the following:
1.Decide on Niche(s) that I want to build the site on – I’ve already mentioned above how I
do that.
2.Create a header image for the niche.You can use any image-editing tool for this. I’ve
found that creating a header image related to your niche topic is the best way to go, but
second to that is to just use a generic header image that will relate to any topic.
3.Decide which templates to build my site(s) on. I currently use a predefined template that
has been working very well for me in the past.
See the example template screenshot below… This example has a header image specifically related to the niche topic of “Acting”.

Where do you get your templates or do you create them yourself?
I get many of my templates from Matt’s , as well as Joel
Comm’s Instant AdSense Templates.
The quality of these templates at is much better than those at IAT, but
since they don’t provide as many each month, I’m still a member of the IAT service. If I only
created 15 sites per month, then I’d definitely stick with just
I recommend going with some sort of template service though because there’s no way I’d
1. The ability to create professional-looking designs
2. The time to create all of these designs each month
3. The time to try to optimize each and every template
4. The time to come up with 50-60 new topics each month.
If it sounds like I’m really endorsing these services, it’s because I am! ;-)
They really are the backbone of my site-creation process (well, second to HyperVRE of course).
Definitely worth it!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Strategy #4:20 PowerfulWays to Boost Your AdSense CTR

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Most people think that just by placing the AdSense code onto their website will start earning
them big checks! I am not ashamed to admit that even I thought the same when I was new. But I
soon realized that if I do not optimize my Ads, it is impossible to achieve a good income from
In order to earn big AdSense checks, you have to have a good CTR (Click Through Rate).
CTR is the number of clicks an ad receives divided by the number of times the Ads are shown.A
high CTR means more people are clicking on your Ads.
In this article I would like to share everything I have learned to boost my Google AdSense CTR –
much of which was taught by Matt Callen through his AdSense course. If you follow these tips,
you will see an instant jump in your CTR.
In order to achieve a very high CTR (20% +) it is important that the following points are taken
care of:
Google should serve Ads relevant to your niche.
You should have the right kinds of Ad formats place in the right places
Your Ads should be properly formatted
If you take care of all the three points above, you are guaranteed to have a CTR greater than 20%
We have to ensure that the ads that are being served by Google are closely related with your
content.This is very important because if your ads are not relevant your visitors will not click on

Strategy #3:The Real Truth About High-Paying AdSense Keywords

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The Real Truth About High-Paying AdSense Keywords

Every single day I receive an email from someone or the other saying:
“Abhi, please send me a list of keywords that will pay me $20-$30 per click in AdSense”
You see, I do not blame them for asking that question. It’s not their fault.There is a lot of
misinformation floating around the Internet.And newbies get attracted to anything that
promises a lot of riches.
You will find many sites that will sell you lists of “High-paying AdSense Keywords” or list of
keywords that will “Sky-rocket your AdSense earnings overnight”.
They make you feel that if you purchase their list and design your sites based on these keywords,
your AdSense earnings would touch the sky.
According to them,Google pays you around 50% of the keyword cost. So if someone clicks on
the ad, for a keyword costing $50, you will earn around $25...Cool!
But not so cool! This isn’t how it works…
If it were that easy, you would find gazillions of AdSense success stories.Things are not so simple,
Currently I have more than 150,000 keywords that I use to drive traffic to my sites. So maybe, I
know a thing or two about AdSense and keywords.
Every day when I look at my stats I know what the real truth is. And the truth is not what you
** The Truth **
Google never discloses what percentage it will pay to the AdSense Publisher.And there are too
many factors involved which determine how much Google will pay you.
As I mentioned above, if Google paid everyone 50% on a keyword costing $50, you would
become filthy rich in no time.Oh!Wish life were so easy!
For many so-called high-paying keywords, Big G sometimes pays me not even 10 cents.Can you
believe that?
Yes that’s true. Less than 10 cents for a HIGH paying keyword.

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