Tuesday, February 8, 2022

how to optimize your videos(3)

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 Description Template

Below is the template I follow for all YouTube Video. Use this as a guide and replace all guides with the relevant information for your video based on the guidance above.



(WELCOME MESSAGE - Introduction to this video, yourself or the channel)

(500 WORD ARTICLE – KEYWORD RELATED) Include long tail keyword 5-8 times


Feel free to share this video:

(VIDEO LINK -This actual video)

Check Out Our Channel: (CHANNEL LINK)

Learn more about subject: (AUTHORITY WEBSITE LINK) (Further website links) (Further website links)

Check out our related videos: (Title) (Link)

(Title) (Link)

(Title) (Link)

Check out other related videos: (Title) (Link)

(Title) (Link)

(Title) (Link)


Long tail keywords Long tail keywords Long tail keywords


Tags are an extension of the title and therefore are very important. Whilst they are important do not go overkill here. You want to be sensible. Put 5-8 tag in here only. Make sure they are all long tail keywords. Put your number 1 keyword as the first tag. If you use the VidIQ chrome extension you can look back later and see whether you are ranking for the tag and what tags have sent you traffic. You can also you it to see the same stats for your competitors and use those keyword tags!

Additional Features

At this stage YouTube allows you to add a few minor features to your video before uploading. First we can choose to post the video on our google+ account and our twitter account. This will give you some additional linking juice to this video, so do it. By joining Youtube you automatically have a google+ account, but make a twitter specially for this YouTube account and link it. Secondly we can add the video to a playlist. Playlists are collections of videos. The ideas is that the playlist will contain a range of similar videos. What i like to do is to create a playlist with the same title as my chosen keyword or video title. I add my video as the first video and then populate the playlist with a range of similar videos. Again this is all done to help us get found rather than helping others as this put in the system that this video is in a playlist so it  must be adding value.

how to optimize your videos

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 Once you have gone through the process of creating your video you need to get it on the internet aka YouTube. That being said we need to upload it correctly, because there is no point doing the keyword research and then creating a great video and then to not upload it correctly as this will harm our chances of it being seen. The correct procedure for uploading to maximize your exposure is very simple, so why don’t more people do it? Fortunately many people cannot be bothered or do not understand these simple steps so we can take advantage of it and get our video ranking over theirs!

Set up YouTube

The first step to setting up Youtube is to login. You do this with your Gmail account. I always recommend using a aged gmail account so just use your own rather than creating a fresh one. Once logged in navigate to YouTube.

  The first thing to do is click on ‘my channel’ in the left hand menu. This will present us with a option to name our channel. When naming your channel think about the video you will be uploading and select something sympathetic to the end goal. Once the channel has been created you will need to upload some graphics. Please jump across to canva.com and create some simple easy graphics for this purpose. On the channel page we can put some simple information desiring the channel as well as linking social media pages if required.


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