Article marketing is still very much alive and continues to be one of the single best methods of driving targeted traffic to your site or offers. Never forget it was the original bloggers, those prolific content creators, that basically forged the entire affiliate marketing platform. So let’s look to how they did it, and how we can leverage those efforts with social media for massive targeted traffic for ourselves.1st step, obviously, is creating a great article.
Remember again if your content is lousy, your traffic will be too.
So after writing your article edit mercilessly. And be sure to include a relevant image in your article!!!
If you struggle with article writing, head on over to the included bonus Content Genie
right now.
If you’re really stuck, I suppose you could consider hiring a writer through odesk. But if
you’re looking to build your brand, identity and authority, I highly suggest writing your own stuff.
Most importantly, please please please never succumb to the lure of ‘article spinners’.
They’re just so fake it is unbelievable. While it may sound ‘easy’ to buy a punch of plr for a
few bucks and ‘run them through a spinner’, the results are most often brutal. And by the
time you’ve gone through that effort you could easily have banged out a 100% original
article in your own words.
Ninja tip if you’re struggling with content for your article. Once you have a solid topic, build
the article around a product review. Don’t make the review the entire article, but it could
easily become say 50% of it. And then your content is rounded. Your original thoughts
about a subniche
you’re targeting, then introduce a product with a blurb about the producer, and your own thoughts.
Bang. Instant article.
Here’s what you’ll find if you’re working within a niche you enjoy. As you get going, writing articles will become your favourite thing. And ideas for new ones will come to you all the time. The more you create, the easier it becomes. Really. Try it.
Okay now you have an awesome article. What next? Easy. Syndicate. You’ve just created awesome original content. Get that puppy as much exposure as you can and start driving targeted traffic to your site and offers. Here’s how:
1.) Obviously post to your blog or website, then ping the url.
2.) Post the link to your article to your personal facebook account.
3.) Convert your article to PDF and / or powerpoint. recommend you do, for maximum exposure.
Recall you can use to convert to PDF for free.
4.) Submit your PDF and Powerpoint to Slideshare.
From within Slideshare, link your new content to LinkedIn. Now we’re getting somewhere.
Authority sites, filled with serious traffic actively searching specific content. Give it to them.
5.) Now post the slideshare links to your facebook page. So now in facebook you have a link to your article on your personal profile, and a slideshare link on your business page.
Absolutely perfect.
6.) Post the image in your article to Pinterest
7.) Submit a snippet of your article to Reddit along with a link to the entire page
8.) Submit your article as a blog post in Tumblr
Of course, you’ve configured all of your social media accounts as outlined earlier to include your social media icons in your signature. The ones linking to your facebook, twitter and google+ pages.
So let’s just see what these simple steps after creating 1 article have accomplished for us:
Now that we’ve converted our article into a powerpoint, we simply use a screen capture tool and play the powerpoint while reading it to create a video. I like as it’s easy to use, very affordable and offers instant uploading.