Packet Internet Gopher, or Ping
Ping is a search engine notifying tool.
If you have new content for your blog or website pinging will let search engines know. It can make a difference to your rating on search engines because when your information is acknowledged as being new. Pinging your blog or website should be a good part of your marketing plan.A lot of businesses use Blogs to share information and advice with their customers. If you have a Blog then you will be constantly updating the content and adding new material.
It is most likely that your Blog will receive more updates than your website as a Blog is thought of as a more ongoing form of communication, like a journal or diary.
Pinging allows your updates to become search engine news
You can pack in all the keywords you need for search engine optimization into your new content update to help increase your ranking in a search engine results listing.Adding new content that shares important new information and know how about products and news in that realm should be something that you regularly do anyway on your Blog or website.
Ping is a marketing tool that celebrates your new content and makes it all the more worthwhile. It is a great service to improve your marketing turnaround.
Your website or Blog will get a lot more exposure if you use pinging services. It is a great way to increase your online presence.
Pinging does this without any effort on your part. These are updates or new content pieces that you should be putting on your website or Blog anyway.
There are pinging services online that do this work for you.
Check out some of the different ping services below, usually just your site or Blog name and a few other details is enough to get your site going on its pinging adventure
- Use Pingler to ping your blogs and websites in the best way possible.
- Ping-O-Matic is a service to update different search engines that your blog has updated
- PingFarm Mass ping site that lets you ping as many urls as you wish without limits.
- Notify search engines and rss directories that your blog is updated or created.